08 January 2009

Devonne Chronicles

I was waiting on a patron when a patron I had helped earlier (the Devonne in question) appeared to my left. Our interaction before had been me checking out some materials to him. Here is what transpired:

(T)heresa: (looking to my left) Did you need help with something?
(D)evonne: Yeah, but I can wait.
T: Okay, but it's going to be a minute.
(I look over and he's still there. I notice that he's gone but shows up again five minutes later.)
T: Did you still need help with something?
D: Yeah.
T: What did you need help with?
D: I have a question.
T: Okay, what is it?
D: (mumblemumblemumble)
T: I'm sorry, can you repeat that?
D: Do you have a man?
T: Yes. Thank you. (And I walked away.)

Run ins with Devonnes don't quite give me the boost in confidence one might expect. Instead, I feel dirty. Of course, that could be the week without a shower.


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