21 January 2009

Arizona or bust?

How did that happen?

Some friends are moving to Phoenix, AZ and invited me to move with them. Already, the job market is remarkably better than Michigan's. I'm almost done applying for an Americorps teaching position. We'll see.

I've been internalizing a lot lately. I really want to ask the questions I want answers to. But the last time I did that taught me not to. So here I am stuck, wondering.

I've written a few poems. I think they're trash. I've learned a scale and I'm working on chord progressions next.

Minimalism. Okay.

I'm just trying to get an understanding. Does it seem odd that anyone "just" anything? To be or do just whatever is a strange concept.

Oh, hours at my school job were cut and then brought back so I don't have to go looking for another part time job in Kalamazoo. On the bright side, it did light a fire under my ass and got me to revamp my resume. It almost looks good now.

You don't have to love me. It's okay. I think I'm supposed to figure this one out on my own.

My ear hurts.

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