14 November 2008

Two unfortunate truths in one.

Yesterday was not a day that began all that out of the ordinary. I walked to work. A friend needed a ride to her car so I walked back to my car between shifts in order to pick her up. On my way home, I (my arm) was hit by a car.

I am a cautious person. When it comes to crossing the road, I look both ways and plan the route with the least likely chance of getting hit. I lived in Egypt for a while, and if you know anything about crossing roads in middle eastern countries, you can imagine what that was like. Though I am a careful crosser, I usually depend on my own devices more than I do the suggestions of others for when it is safe to begin a journey elsewhere. I often ignore the robots. Yesterday, I followed the two other women who crossed the road and I believed the Light Man's insistence that my time had come to cross this street and be on the other side with him.

For these reasons, I was hit. The Man in the Green Car must have sensed I was following what others insisted rather then following my own instincts. I threw my arms out in protest of him going any further. I managed to cross far enough that, during his out-of-turn right turn, he only really hit my left arm. I leaned so he didn't wipe my legs out from under me. I stopped. I looked back. He paused and made sure I was still standing. And from there, we continued on the separate paths we had previously been following. The two women who had crossed moments before me were on the corner I'd been trying so desperately to reach in one piece. They asked how I was and, in shock, I assured them I would be okay. I just wasn't expecting it because I thought I'd been reading the signs correctly. I paused and I thought about crying. And I held it in because I always do. Always refusing to acknowledge I've been hurt. The Man in the Green Car will go on with his life. It wasn't in his plans to hit me and he will feel no remorse. Well, it wasn't in my plans to get hit but it happened anyway. And, of course, I am again changed. He might be more careful but will probably just chalk it up to a fluke in loss of attention to detail.

I am a cautious person. When it comes to getting hurt, I have highly refined methods of self defense. Yesterday, they meant nothing. Today, I am aware I have been hurt. The trying task of keeping the phone to my ear has served as a reminder.

Do nothing and life will happen anyway. React. At least that way, you are blameless for the outcome.

I am okay. I am always okay.

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