03 October 2010

The Return of the Coffee Addiction

I was doing so well. I didn't need coffee to wake up or stay up or get through the day. And I didn't need to replace it with anything else either. I could drink coffee when I wanted to enjoy the flavor instead of when I needed the effects.

And then, Last Week happened. Last Week was just rough. Some old health problems remerged. A problem I haven't dealt with yet hasn't gone away. I'm a teacher and I go to school. Just... Rough. So, Monday morning, I made myself a cup of coffee in the morning and it tasted good. Really good. But I only drank half of it and I didn't feel guilty. But then Tuesday showed up and I was tired from class the night before so I made more coffee. This time, I finished my mug before school even started. Every morning since then, I've caffeinated myself. People, I didn't mean to. It just happened! And now, I can't hurt the coffee's feelings by not taking it to work with me every morning. Coffee would feel sad and abandoned. Coffee came all that way from Columbia or Africa to the store to my cupboard, which is an awfully long way to go and then get ignored. So, I'm just doing a service, you know?

The coffee understands. The coffee's back. And I'm sorry I ever let coffee go in the first place. Coffee just... knows me. Coffee gives me the jitters and that feeling in my stomach that no one nothing else does. So coffee is back in my life and I'm not ashamed of it anymore!

Now, I'm going to go get a refill.


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