03 December 2010

Of hippies and hipsters

In my life, I have been called both a hippy and a hipster depending on where I lived at the time and who I was talking to.

Here in Phoenix, they think I'm a hippy. I don't shower or shave often. I walk when I can. I like shopping at the farmers market. I like the way kombucha tastes. My favorite coffee doesn't come from Starbucks. My clothes are meant to keep me warm and I sort of ascribe to my own style.

I just feel like such a poser. Kalamazoo, aside from the people I worked with at Old Navy who probably just thought I was strange, wouldn't classify me as a hippy. I never once wanted to live at the community house. I like the way my legs feel when I shave them--I'm just too lazy to. Showering? I'd rather sleep in. Although, the people who did live in the housing co-op often got offended when I called them hippies...

Regardless, I was just thinking about Phoenix's lack of soul. Here, I'm a hippy to people because everyone has to be something. This was supposed to be a more well-thought out post. Meh.

That being said: I hate Phoenix.


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