31 January 2010

So can we take the next hour

and talk about me?

I've made it through the first two rounds for Teach For America. I submitted my essays and application and whatnot and then I got a phone interview. In eleven days, I have my final interview to go to. I'm excited and a little scared. The three sites I have listed as number one are Phoenix, Denver and the Bay Area. There are more places I would love to go but I ended up choosing those. I'm getting anxious trying to prepare. I really want this.

I've never really had an easy time making decisions. I think I'm getting better.
I'm getting the itch to start traveling again.
I love gardening.
And being barefoot.
The future doesn't seem intimidating. Just a little daunting.
I'm hardly a grown-up.



Jessi Nicole said...

Has the final interview happened? Do write about it when it does.

ps: Being barefoot is the best. So is gardening.

Smells Like Apples said...

It has happened! I will write soon. I promise.

I have to be barefoot more often. Winter, it seems, is the best time for that here.