06 February 2011

Haves and Have Nots

The Haves:

I have been seeing someone for a few weeks now. I'm not sure where it's going and I'm not going to push it. It could be over, for all I know. Regardless, it's kind of fun to date.

I have spent too much time in bed lately, feeling sick. This weekend and last weekend comprised mostly of me in my bed (alone) with a book or a movie between naps.

I have become addicted to kettle corn and I don't mind one bit.

I have let a lot of people down but I can't live my life like that anymore.

I have invented a new game: College.

My emotions may have leveled off, but I still have feelings, folks.

In a lot of ways, I've become the kind of person I've been working toward becoming.

The Have Nots:

I have (had) not been taking my medication for a few days. I'd been trying to ween off and decided to just go big and stop all together. As it turns out, they're not joking about not stopping abruptly. Apparently, withdrawal is a very real thing. Side effects: nausea, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, ringing in ears, headaches. And it can last for about two weeks. This could explain all the time I've spent in bed. So I started taking the pills again because I can't let this get in the way of work. I'll wait until the summer.

I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing as a teacher. I want to get better at it.

I have not done my homework or completed my lesson plans for the week. (Edit: I have finished homework and two days worth of plans as of 6:15.)

I have not yet bought a bike tire.

I have not yet stopped self-deprecating remarks because maybe I still believe them a little.

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